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Tim Beck
Sales Representative
- Rochester Region -
What do you like about working at Toth's Sports?
I have worked at Toth's Sports for over 35 years now. Not too many people can say that they have worked most of their adult life with the same employer. I can honestly say that I enjoy working at Toth’s Sports as much TODAY, as at any time. We have a variety of talented people who help make our team exceptional at what we do. One of the core values of our mission statement is INTEGRITY, which is the reason I enjoy working at Toth’s Sports so much. Every member of our team holds integrity to be of the highest importance, so that makes work a great place to be.
What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
I love to help other people. Whether it is helping our grown children with a project, or volunteering at church in the 1 year old nursery (which I have done for over 5 years) or volunteering as a treasurer for an inner city outreach group, I love to help people. I am thankful that both my wife and I enjoy helping others so it is a good family priority.
What is your favorite quote(s)?
This may sound a bit religious but my favorite bible verse is Philippians 2:3 “Let each of you look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” I feel the most purposeful and fulfilled when I attempt to live with this mindset.

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