Windows 11 was released to the public on October 5, 2021, as a free upgrade via Windows Update and Windows 11 Installation assistant on eligible devices running Windows 10. For those using Windows 10 Professional there will be no charge from Microsoft to upgrade, but like all upgrades, consider your software platforms and the impact to those programs. You may receive a prompt, pop up, or notification from Microsoft to upgrade some of your Windows 10 Professional Computers provided as a part of your Daktronics Control System. For some products, Daktronics strongly advises our customers to NOT upgrade their systems to Windows 11 in order to maintain the functionality and integration of the various components in the control system. However, Daktronics has tested and qualified the latest versions of Show Control with Display Studio and Content Studio, Venus Control Suite, and All Sport Pro with Windows 11.

Windows updates on computers with these approved products may proceed if needed. However, be cautious of other unqualified applications on those computers. In the event that a computer with a Daktronics application (not qualified for Win 11) has been upgraded to Windows 11, any service response needed to backdate the system will not be provided under the manufacturer's warranty. Typically, the update assistant or Microsoft Update has an option to backdate for 10 days after the upgrade was completed. Once this time period has lapsed, a complete re-image of the machine will be required to restore functionality. We are working through qualification and updating the core Daktronics applications for support of Windows 11. As more information becomes available, or if there is a change in our stance regarding upgrading to Windows 11, we will post an update on our training blog "The Control Panel ". As noted above, Show Control and Venus Control Suite can be updated, but do not update other computers to Windows 11 until notified that the system incompatibility issues have been resolved. *Note: Daktronics Digital Media Players (DMP-8000) run on a different version of Windows 10 are not eligible for an upgrade through Microsoft. Windows 10 IOT LTSC, per the OEM license agreement requires reimaging to upgrade the OS.