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Mark McAllister
Director of Sales and Business Development
What do you like about working at Toth's Sports?
The People and the Purpose. I joined the company, right out of college, in 1986. As a high school and college athlete, working in the “sports industry” was definitely appealing, but more important then and now, was the character of the people that I was able to work with. At that time, I was mentored by a unique group of Godly individuals, within Toth Sports who shared a higher perspective on business than just making a sale and turning a profit. Now, I have the opportunity and responsibility to fill that “mentor role” with the next generation that comes behind me. I love that daily challenge.
What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
Rooting for the Buffalo Bills and Sabres. Weekend “get-aways” with wife, son and/or daughter. Local summer festivals. Mowing the lawn.
What is your favorite quote(s)?
"“Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter.”
― Francis Chan
“The Lord is first, my friends are second, and I am third.”
― Gale Sayers"

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