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Jeremy Gerhardt
Installations & Service
What do you like about working at Toth's Sports?
Every day is different. I enjoy the change of scenery, new challenges, and the physical nature of my job as an installer. I especially enjoy working outside. The great group of men I get to work with inspire me to work harder, and do it with integrity and pride.
What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
Outside of work I enjoy many outdoor activities. Alongside my wonderful wife and two boys, we enjoy camping and hiking ( locally and in the Adirondacks), fishing, mountain biking and anything to get us outside. I am also fortunate to coach lacrosse, as both boys play. I enjoy woodworking and perpetually have home repair projects ongoing.
What is your favorite quote(s)?
“The man on top of the mountain didn’t fall there.” -Vince Lombardi

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